See that little round guy? (Not the pink one… the other little round guy) -yeah hovering over Mrs. Obama’s shoulder? Well that’s Busy the Bee. And the bee is ME! I was honored to bring this new character to life and now I’m totally counting down the days until #WafflesAndMochi launches on March 16! Tune in on @Netflix and get cooking with us. It’s a beeeeeelightful show and I had a BLAST working on it. Buzz over to my Instagram, @kiddervibes and let me know what you think!
It’s almost #WafflesAndMochi time! Tune in on March 16. Only on @Netflix. Yes, that bee is judging you. But Mrs. O is in your corner. You’ve got this!
I’m very proud to portray a pollinator. Bees pollinate practically 80 percent of our perfectly piquant produce. Here is Mrs. Obama inspecting some of Busy’s finest work.
Yeah, so MARCH 16th it’s going DOWNNNNNNN- tune in to @Netflix to see what all this buzzzz is really about. (And if any bee puns come to mind, send them my way).